Sophia Olivieri, L.Ac

Relax. Unwind. Restore.

One of my favorite professors once told me, “Sometimes in life you get handed the white puzzle and the only thing you can do is find a corner and build from there.” When life gets overwhelming, one thing we shouldn’t do is let ourselves get too far down the hole with worry and stress, thinking about all the what ifs. Life calls for us to focus on one task at a time, one moment at a time, one day at a time. Our consistency to show up and do our best for each day is one of the only things we have control of.

Taking charge of one’s health is empowering. Continuously choosing day in and day out to do well to our body sets us up for success in all areas of life. Feeling good within ourselves radiates outwards to everyone and everything around us.

Start putting yourself first by committing to a wellness routine today! Schedule an appointment and let’s chat.

About the Owner


Hi, my name is Sophia. I was tossed into the health and wellness field at an early age due to my mother being a massage therapist. One of my first jobs was working at a chiropractors office preforming chair massage for his patients. I fell in love with the ability massage has to change our mood and muscles and have been licensed for 16 years now. After furthering my knowledge in kinesiology and psychology at Temple University, I decided I didn’t like the limitations placed on healing by Western Medicine. My passion is problem solving, getting to the root of a problem. I decided to expand my skills and received my masters degree from Yosan University for Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and became licensed by the California Acupuncture Board in 2024. 

 Through many years of experience, touching and talking to thousands of people, I’ve strengthened my intuition and skills in holistic and alternative medicine practices. I am focused on helping others find solutions to their aches, pains, and all health issues whether they’re caused by lifestyle, environment or genetics. My schooling has given me the credentials to perform these ancient and powerful techniques but life has given me the gift of connecting to others and the intuition to help people find their path to healing.


Service Description

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture is the act of inserting a hair thin needle and into the body to initiate a whole system response. How it works—by inserting a needle we are signaling to the brain, “Um, excuse me, foreign invader, SEND HELP.” In response to this, all systems get on board and blood loaded with our bodies helpers rush to the area. The flow of circulation, combined with the nervous system response, ultimately gives us a relaxed and invigorated feeling. Blood is flowing, neurotransmitters are released and this starts the healing process.

Through thousands of years of trial and observation, points have been located all over the body, that when stimulated, were found to have specific effects on different areas, not always just where the needle was inserted locally. We know there a pathways of vessels nerves and lymph. We have organs, muscles, bones, and there is the space in between holding it all together. Acupuncture works on it all. By taking a whole body approach this medicine can address almost every issue one may experience. Herbal therapies are used as a supplement to this initiation of flowing circulation and when used appropriately in combination can provide profound effects on not only the physical body, but our emotions, and our nervous system’s resilience against stressors.

Initial Acupuncture Session: Please book this service it is your first time receiving acupuncture with me. The appointment will be about 90 minutes long and we will have a thorough intake. We will go over your main reason for coming in, a review of all body systems, health history, talk about nutrition, supplements and herbal remedies. This includes the intake and acupuncture treatment.

Follow-Up Acupuncture Session: Follow up acupuncture appointment. Please only book if you have already seen Sophia for the longer Initial appointment.

Fire Cupping: Cupping is the act of using heat within a glass cup and placing it on the skin to create suction. If there are weak capillaries in the area, this suction will break them. The purpose of this is for the body to create ones and in doing so more blood flow is able to get to this area to deliver oxygen and healing agents. Over time the marks from cupping will get less. It’s important to note that there will temporarily be marks and be mindful of booking if you prefer to not have marks showing for any reason. This can be added to a follow-up acupuncture appointment or massage therapy. Add-On $40/Solo Service

Consultation/Counseling: Sometimes we are in need of guidance when embarking on a new journey and often talking through things and coming up with a plan is the best way to start. Whether you have questions about acupuncture, Chinese medicine, massage therapy, herbs, supplements, nutrition, exercies, or just life in general, I am here to listen and share my knowledge and help you start planning your journey. Can be booked over zoom or in person.

All services available in your home/office. Travel Fee will apply.

Massage Therapy

The massage therapy I preform is not just your typical oil slathering hour. My focus is really listening to my patients, not just their words but their bodies. After our initial intake my goal is to listen to your body and use my skill to help facilitate healing wherever it is needed. You’ll feel relaxed while I work out the tension and gather information to help you live your best life.

Customized massage: Wherever your body needs work, customized pressure and techniques to help your body heal. Available in 60min, 90min and 2hr sessions.

45min signature neck/head/jaw massage: Feeling stuck through your neck and shoulders, dealing with TMJD, or is your nervous system just fully taxed right now, this service is for you. Can be added to a 1hr service

Prenatal Massage: During pregnancy the body is changing to support the life growing within. New aches and pains can come and go daily. Sophia is highly trained in addressing the discomforts that may arise during this special time. With a focus on relaxation, the key to navigating those 9 months, prenatal massage is encouraged throughout pregnancy. Available for 60/90/120 minutes (90 minutes recommended).

Postnatal Massage: Postnatal massage is not a term you hear often, but what could be more important that supporting your body as it is returning to home base after bringing a child into this world. The hips, neck, shoulders and arms become the area of focus; relaxing the muscles used to hold your sweet babe and supporting the muscles through the low back and hips as they adjust back to center. Available in office, recommended in your home 1-2x per week starting 7-10 days postpartum. 60/90/120 minutes . Inquire about special in home pricing.

1hr Energy Healing Session: A different approach to healing, using guided meditation and Sophia’s own personal style of energy work


Any questions feel free to contact via the form.
